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Fair Competition
International Conference

Of particular interest to many of the delegates may also be the attendance of, or presentation in, a series of seminar workshops. These will delve deeper into major areas of the rural learning theme, such as:

  • school education
  • higher education
  • vocational education and training
  • adult education and informal learning
  • technology-supported learning, etc.
  Traditional costume, Mesta
Traditional costume, Mesta

The workshops will emphasize practical issues, aiming mainly to make stakeholders in rural and remote areas aware of the opportunities offered by contemporary technology and policies in the field of education and lifelong learning. The participation of local educators, students, researchers, administrators, policy makers, and motivated citizens is particularly encouraged.

Read the relevant call for papers.

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European Commission - Socrates Programme

RuraLEARN is co-funded by the European Commission, as an Accompanying Measure
of the Socrates Programme